Here you can access all ad hoc announcements of the Edisun Power Group in chronological order, pursuant to Art. 53 of the Listing Rules of the SIX Exchange Regulation:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
24.11.2022 | Edisun Power bond issue attracts strong interest at almost CHF 35 million The CHF 20 million bond with a five-year term (December 1, 2022 – November 30, 2027) and a 3% interest rate issued on August 26, 2022 has met with extremely great interest among both existing and new investors... Press release, download (PDF) |
11.11.2022 | New solar plant of 23 MW starts solar power production
The connection of the plant "Betty" increases the total installed solar production capacity of Edisun Power to 107.1 MW. The additional annual electricity production is estimated at over 41’000 MWh... Press release, download (PDF) Time-lapse video of the construction of the large-scale PV plant Betty in Portugal |
26.08.2022 | 2022 semi-annual annual result: Record profit with positive outlook
The sales revenue and in particular net profit of the Edisun Power Group were increased significantly in the first half of the year. The strong performance is largely attributable to improved income from electricity sales as well as productivity and currency gains. Edisun Power is working actively with its strategic partner on the further development of the purchased solar project rights totaling 940 MW. A further plant with 23.4 MW will be connected to the grid in October..... Press release, download (PDF)Time-lapse video of the construction of the large-scale PV plant Betty in Portugal |
04.07.2022 | Focus on proactive "buy-and-sell" portfolio management Capital increase not being implemented at present
02.05.2022 | Edisun Power announces mid-term targets Building on a solid foundation and strong outlook in its core business, Edisun Power has defined an ambitious expansion plan along two key business activities: its existing Independent Power Producer (IPP) business and a pro-active asset management with the new "buy-and-sell" business.
22.04.2022 | Shareholders approve all proposals The Annual General Meeting of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. took place today. It was held without the physical presence of shareholders at the company’s headquarters. All proposals of the Board of Directors were approved with a large majority. The independent proxy represented 427 shareholders with a total of 822'116 votes, which is equivalent to 79.4% of the share capital. Horst H. Mahmoudi (Chairman), Fulvio Micheletti, Reto Klotz, José Luis Chorro López and Marc Klingelfuss were reelected to the Board of Directors for another term of office of one year. The shareholders approved a dividend from capital contribution reserves of CHF 1.10 per share, which will be paid out on April 28, 2022...... Press release, download (PDF)
25.03.2022 | 2021 annual result: Record results, electricity production and pipeline significantly expanded
2021 was a record year for Edisun Power in various respects: new peaks were achieved across the board financially, in production terms the connection of the large-scale Mogadouro plant in Portugal (49.0 MW) took solar power production to new levels, the second Portuguese large-scale plant, Betty (23.4 MW), is under construction and strong growth is also expected in the future with the acquisition of further PV projects totaling 783.6 MW. The Board of Directors recommends to the General Meeting payment of an unaltered dividend of CHF 1.10 per share. The main focus for Edisun Power is the further development and construction of the pipeline and its financing. To this end the Board of Directors proposes a substantial share capital increase of up to CHF 150 million..... Press release, download (PDF)